Monday, March 5, 2007

New gun club in the works in Beverly Hills - the Beverly Hills Gun Club!

Be on the lookout for a new happening called the Beverly Hills Gun Club!

There actually used to be a shooting range called exactly that but it has since been closed down. It was active back in the 90's. There's a corporation also by that name in California but its registration has since been cancelled.

The new Beverly Hills Gun Club will both be a social and training organization. First and foremost, it's a medium for gun enthusiasts in the area to gather together and organize shooting events and other social events that don't necessarily involve firearms. It'll be about parties, socials, shootouts (not at each other, mind you), day-long range festivities, competitions, collection displays and anything having to do with enthusiasts getting together to just shoot the breeze, figuratively speaking.

You don't have to live in Beverly Hills to participate! There will be a postal marksmanship qualification program so you can qualify as a bona fide pro-marksman, marksman, marksman first class, sharpshooter, expert and distinguised expert. It's based on the honor system. The one caveat is that a distinguised expert needs a witness from a list of qualified gunners.

You will earn certificates, badges and medals for your efforts.

Also, there will be all sorts of branded apparel and gear available. All with the Beverly Hills Gun Club logo.

Go to website

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